

Candidates must review all program requirements including physical demands of the profession and affirm individual abilities.

Physical 需求 (Click for details)

Abilities and Skills Necessary to Meet Curriculum Objectives

Students must have the knowledge and ability to effectively assess a client’s bio社会心理 and physical needs.  除了, 每个学生必须能够分析数据,以说明客户的问题, 规划全面的独立和协作干预措施, 安全执行护理计划, and evaluate the care given and the client’s response to the care.   In order to safely care for any client, 学生必须有观察力, 沟通, 电动机, 认知, 社会心理, 以及足以履行上述职责的行为能力.  可以对其中一些领域的某些残疾进行技术补偿, 但是学生必须能够以合理独立的方式表现.  The use of a trained intermediary is 不 acceptable since a student’s judgment would be influenced by someone else’s observations.   The following abilities and skills are representative of those necessary to meet the requirements of the Nursing Curriculum:

  1. Visual acuity with corrective lenses to identify such entities as cyanosis and absence of respiratory movement in clients; to read very fine, small print on medication containers and physicians’ orders; and to discern equipment calibrations.
  1. Hearing ability with auditory aids to understand the normal speaking voice without viewing the speaker’s face; hear monitor alarms, 紧急的信号, 客户来电, and telephones; auscultate or hear blood pressures, 和心脏, 肺, 血管, and abdominal sounds with a stethoscope.
  1. Physical ability to stand for prolonged periods of time, perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, lift clients and objects of 35 pounds or more, and move 从 room-to-room with coordination, 灵巧, and mobility 要求 to meet the clients’ needs.
  1. Communicate effectively in verbal and written form by speaking clearly and accurately when explaining treatment procedures, 描述客户情况, 实施健康教学. 学生还必须在客户的图表/记录中清晰正确地书写法律文件.
  1. 熟练运用无菌技术插入导尿管, 取血, prepare and administer medication (oral, 肌肉内的, 静脉注射), 改变酱, and any other procedures 要求 for client care. 精细运动技能包括那些对病人护理至关重要的临床技能,如, 但不限于, 操作设备, 用钢笔/铅笔输入客户数据,并在电脑键盘上输入信息.
  1. Function safely under stressful conditions with the ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment inherent in clinical situations involving client care.   If a student can不 meet the above requirements, 教师将开会决定学生是否可以继续护理和联合健康项目.

  不歧视声明mg游戏平台不存在种族歧视, 信条, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 残疾, 遗传信息, 年龄, or Vietnam era veteran status in its programs and activities. 如果你有体检的话, 学习, or health 残疾 and wish to request accommodations in order to have reasonable access to programs and services offered by NMCC, you must register with the ADA Services Coordinator by contacting the Director of 咨询 at 207-768-2793, located at the main NMCC Campus in the Christie Building.


申请 2024年秋季 program will be accepted beginning 2023年9月1日. For early acceptance considerations, applications and all supporting documentation (成绩单, 建议, 等.) must be received by the 招生 Office by 2023年12月31日.  Applicants are strongly encour年龄d to submit applications as soon as is practical to ensure sufficient time to complete the admission process.  甄选入校候选人 will be 不ified by 2024年3月.  NMCC does 不 maintain a waitlist for the program.  If you should 不 be selected for the current cohort, it is recommended that you submit an application for the next year.


To be considered for admission for the Fall 2023 cohort, 所有先决条件必须在2023年秋季学期开始之前成功完成 优先考虑在2023年1月15日之前完成先决条件的申请.  进入NMCC护理课程的先决条件是:

  • 大学代数或定量推理(最好成绩为“B”或3.0)
  • 英语作文 (Preferred grade of “B” or 3.0)
  • 解剖学 & Physiology I with lab (Preferred grade of “B” or 3.0)

*Current high school students seeking admission who have 不 yet completed College Algebra or Quantitative Reasoning, 英语作文与解剖学 & 生理学I与实验室必须满足以下高中同等的先决条件:

  • Algebra I (minimum grade of “B” or 3.0)
  • English (minimum grade of “B” or 3.0)
  • 2年实验室科学经验,生物学、化学和解剖学优先 & Physiology (minimum grade of “B” or 3.0)

High school candidates must meet all other admission criteria including achieving the appropriate TEAS pre-entrance exam scores.

*It is the responsibility of the applicant to have the final grades 从 prerequisite courses taken through adult education or a不her college mailed to the 招生 Office.  强烈建议申请人跟进并确保所有材料都已到达您的档案.  另外, 如果您目前正在参加先决条件课程和/或所需的护理通识教育课程, make sure the 招生 Committee is aware of the course, institution name and anticipated completion date.



以下材料必须提交给招生办公室,才能被录取 (2023年12月31日 is the deadline for early decision):

Required Documents (Click for details)
  • 正式高中 成绩单 或普通教育文凭(必须至少完成高中水平的生物和化学实验 在过去的十年里; must also have had at least one year of algebra)
  • 官方学术 成绩单 从 all post-secondary institutions attended. * Regardless of whether transfer credit is being sought, applicants must disclose all prior colleges attended. Failure to furnish all information on past education may constitute an adequate reason for disqualification of your acceptance or subsequent dismissal 从 the College as well as possible retraction or denial of financial aid funds.
  • Placement testing (may be 要求):
    • ACCUPLACER -分数必须 在以下三个部分达到或超过mcs的建议, 阅读理解, 和定量推理 OR
    • 学术能力测试(基于证据的SAT) -阅读成绩480分或以上 & Writing and 500 or above Mathematics OR
    • proof of successful prior college courses
    • 请注意:未达到分班考试标准的考生将被推迟录取.
    • 推荐要求:作为NMCC护理计划申请过程的一部分, 你需要提交两(2)封推荐信来证明你的动机和承诺. 这些应该 送给亲戚, 而是对雇主, 前雇主, 指导顾问, 教练, 等.
      请填写推荐表格的顶部部分并将其提交给评估人员. 也, we encour年龄 you to sign the optional space concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Public Law 93-380) on each form. 推荐人将推荐书直接交回:招生办公室, mg游戏平台, 埃奇蒙特路33号, 普莱斯克岛,缅因州04769
  • Two confidential 建议 on official NMCC参考表格专业或 学术的人 (new 建议 are 要求 each year). 请打印并使用 要求 建议形式.
  • 补充的问题 – candidates are 要求 to submit typewritten answers to a series of question developed by the Nursing Department Faculty and Director of 招生 and Outreach.
  • Personal interview with the Nursing Admission committee
  •  TEAS™– Test of Essential Academic Skills – NMCC Administration
TEAS™ Test 信息rmation (Click for details)
Candidates who meet the placement testing requirement proceed to the next steps in the admission process: TEAS™ testing and admission decision.  To check the status of your application, log into MyNMCC.  Click on the 招生 tab and on the left side under “招生”, click (>) on Applicant Status > Folder Items > View Folder Items. If you have any other listing under “需求 Not Yet Met”, 你应该立即提交这些文件,以便完成你的档案.  You must have a complete file for consideration.  这是你的责任. **申请人每个申请周期可以参加两次入学前护理入学考试(TEAS™). 为了确保充分的准备,学院建议两次考试之间至少间隔六周.  tea™分数在2年内都是好的. 考试日期将每年安排一次,10月份有额外的考试日期, 11月, 和12月.

  • Candidates must create an account, register and pay for this test at www.atitesting.com.  ATI accepts credit and debit cards.
  • 任何tea™管理的注册在考试前48小时关闭.  报名请早,名额有限. 考试前48小时内未参加考试或取消考试,恕不退款.
  • 一定要注明 北ME CC tea 在你的个人资料中.
  • Candidates must bring a photo id and their ATI ID 没有这些信息的考生将不被允许参加考试.  To find your ID, log into your account at atitesting.com.  在“我的帐户”下的“学生主页”选项卡上,单击“转”按钮查看您的信息. Late admission into the test session is 不 permitted; please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to scheduled test administration time.

TEAS testing will be administered on the NMCC Campus for 仅限NMCC护理申请者 在以下日期.  Tests will be administered at the Testing Center, located in the A.K. Christie building 招生 Suite.







Friday, 11月 17, 2023, 12:00 p.m.











Pre-test study manuals are available online 从 ATI.  网上也有各种各样的免费学习材料/指南.  我们强烈建议所有学生在参加考试前做好准备.



The selection process used for the Nursing program involves an objective assessment of each applicant’s academic history including prerequisite and college-level coursework, 入学前测试结果, 补充问题回答, 参考文献, 还有个人面试. The Nursing Admission Committee reviews all eligible candidates and forwards 建议 to the NMCC Director of 招生. To be seriously considered, applicants must:

  • 以最低调整后的个人阅读成绩73分成功完成tea™考试.8; Math 70.0; Science 52.1; English and Langu年龄 Us年龄 63.3; Composite 65.
  • 在所有必修课程中取得A或B的成绩(分数越高,在选拔过程中越重要);
  • 在与护理专业相关的学术课程(高中和/或大学)中取得A或B的成绩;
  • 对补充问题提供结构合理、深思熟虑的回答;
  • Ask for 建议 从 individuals who know your strengths particularly as related to becoming a nurse. Keep in mind that 建议 are confidential and the content of these 建议 will 不 be revealed to you.

Personal interviews are used as part of the selection criteria; interviews are scheduled with each candidate when all documentation and TEAS exam results have been received.

甄选入校候选人 必须提供 all 要求 documentation and deposits by the date stated in 承诺函 letter or admission will be revoked.

  • NMCC免疫要求和体格检查表-注意:所有免疫, 滴度, physical exam as 要求 on the NMCC Immunization Requirement and Physical Exam form must be completed and documented by an appropriately licensed healthcare provider.
  • 健康的库存
  • 录取通知书表格
  • 美国心脏协会医疗保健提供者基本生命支持等级认证


Nursing Program Admission for Advanced Standing (LPNs)

信息rmation for LPNs (Click for details)
Licensed practical nurse applicants, with a minimum of one year of experience, 必须符合NMCC的一般要求和以下要求:

应用 for program admission on or after 9月ember 1st 下一年入职(i.e. 9月. 1、2021年(2022年春季)

  • 提交申请和申请费以及所需的所有文件:
    • Submission of HS and college 成绩单
    • Submission of proof of current (at time of acceptance) LPN license.  NOTE:  LPN license must be current throughout the program.
    • Transcript of practical nursing education (prior to acceptance) that shows successful completion of a state board approved practical nursing program similar to practical nursing programs in Maine.
    • Two (2) nursing related 参考文献 从 the most recent employers.
    • Supplemental questions – candidates are 要求 to submit typewritten answers to a series of questions developed by the Nursing department faculty.
  • Successful completion of the following general education courses:
    • 解剖学 & 生理I及II(含实验室)(自申请日起计10年内)
    • 英语作文
    • College Algebra and/or Quantitative Reasoning

To be seriously considered, applicants must:

  • Earn preferably A’s and B’s in all prerequisite coursework (higher grades carry more weight in the selection process)
  • 对补充问题提供结构合理、深思熟虑的回答;
  • Ask for 建议 从 individuals who know your strengths particularly as related to becoming a nurse.  Keep in mind that 建议 are confidential and the content of these 建议 and/or point value assigned during the selection process will 不 be revealed;

Personal interviews are used as part of the selection criteria; interviews are scheduled with each candidate when all documentation has been received.

The Nursing Admission Committee reviews all eligible candidates and forwards 建议 to the NMCC Director of 招生.

  • 甄选入校候选人 必须提供 all 要求 documentation and deposits 在预录取通知书中规定的日期或录取通知书将被撤销.
    • Medical compliance, immunizations, health physicals/inventory, 等.
    • 背景调查
    • 教室里的存款
    • 承诺函
    • 美国心脏协会医疗保健提供者基本生命支持认证

Upon successfully meeting the above requirements, LPNs will receive credit for ALH124, NUR100, NUR117, 和NUR125(相当于 第一个 semester coursework in the Nursing program).

For additional information, please contact us:




Phone: 207-768-2785 Email: admissions@marnigoldshlag.net传真:207-768-2848

Hours: 7:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday-Friday or by appointment